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You created so many characters and not one of them is black

lmao who cares 


Or white hear with pink eyes, or yellow dress with a brown belt, or an asian person with glasses, or anything in the entire universe that they didn't create out of the endless possibilities.


Not one apparently. Despite, according to the wayback machine, these having existed since 2021. I have a feeling you didn't even look.

Hey there! Is this template free use?

Why is license 3.0 not 4.0?


can i trace it for my game?

Hey what do you mean by trace? to use it?

Everyone is asking me the same it’s nice to ask but you don’t need to :)

Please read the description, the assets can be used in any kind of project, since the CC license allows it.

I am going to use this for npcs in my pixel art top down game would you like credits on the product page or in the in game credits?


Credits are nice, I wouldn’t say no :)

people using this in their projects are not required to give credit, but thank you anyways!

It's amazing, Thank you very much.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! I really like these characters! I understand it's okay to use them for commercial projects? Do I credit your name here on itch?

Edit: is it okay to recolor as long as I mention that it's recolored?

Thank you!

yes You can modify them, it’s CC licensed

May I use these for commercial use? The license and README doesn't state that it is not okay for commercial use.

Under this license, you are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Really Cool Characters! I would like to use them in the Autumn Game Jam, is that okay? :) You will be credited of course :D

I got them from the GDevelop 5 Asset Store and they look slightly different i think, but it redirected me to your page ^^

hey yes you can use them, no problem


Super cool assets thank's !


Gonna use this for prototyping, thanks! :)


Reminds me of Dragon Warrior 3 on GBC :)


Hi. I used these sprites for a game I made for a game jam, and I just wanted to let you know and thank you

thanks! good luck in the Jam


Whoa this is real cute